Arizona Republican Party State Committee Meeting
The mandatory meeting of the Arizona Republican Party will be held at 9:00a (registration begins at 7:00a) on Saturday, January 25, 2014, at the Grace Community Church, 1200 E. Southern Ave., Tempe, AZ 85282.
Officer Elections:
The state committeemen will elect to following to two-year terms: first, second, and third vice chairs, assistance secretary, assistant treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, and assistant sergeant-at-arms. Below are the candidates that will appear on the ballot. It is possible for additional candidates to be nominated from the floor. The GCRC does not endorse or oppose any of the candidates.
Third Vice-Chairman (2 candidates). Vote for one.
Sergeant-at-Arms (2 candidates). Vote for one.
Assistant Treasurer (2 candidates) Vote for one.
Unopposed Candidates:
The by-laws committee did not submit any proposed changes, therefore this will not be on the agenda. It is possible for changes to the by-laws to be presented from the floor.
Eight resolutions have been submitted by the resolutions committee and will be voted on at the meeting. Click on the buttons below to view each proposal. It is possible for additional resolutions to be presented from the floor.